Sistema di risanamento
The first phase of the process consists in cutting the wall subject to the rising humidity phenomenon with special machines built by COMER: EDIL T. The characteristic of these machines is the possibility to adjust the cut both in height and in inclination and depth. Our machines can also make cuts of very high thicknesses, and to make cuts that do not pass through if it is necessary to safeguard coatings already in place on one side of the wall. The cut is necessary on the load-bearing walls, perimeter and interior that rise directly from the foundation, since from these the humidity rises by principle of capillarity.
Cleaning and washing
In this phase, the cutting section is cleaned and washed to facilitate the insertion of the IGROSTOP insulator and the subsequent filling with cement mortar.
Filling with additive cement mortar
The mortar must be injected throughout the cutting section and can be inserted with the injection system, by means of a special pneumatic pump AIRJET Comer sf35 or airjet tanks comer of various sizes, for the forced injection of mortar. Its use is provided for thin walls and thickness of 50 cm and more. Surplus mortar will be automatically ejected into the insulation insert.
Insertion of the IGROSTOP foil
It is the most important phase of the process, it consists in loading the mortar previously prepared with additives and expansives on both sides of the insulator, and inserting it by pressure into the cut by sliding it into the special joint hinge. IGROSTOP has the dual function of preventing moisture from rising upwards, creating a strong barrier and creating a blockage of the walls making the structure safer.
With the IGROSTOP system, the wedging is carried out on both sides of the masonry and with particular attention to the key points of the structure: corners, shoulder straps, under-windows and at the most critical points and maximum structural thrust of the building.